
How to Reconcile Profitable Investment and Sustainable Investment?

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For several years, the trend has been towards the emergence of an investment that is not only profitable, but also socially responsible. However, considering the difficulty of changing behaviors, a sensitive question arises: can we truly reconcile profitable and sustainable investment? An enlightening way to address this issue is to focus on the articulation between sustainable governance and sustainable investment, in order to highlight how far the global framework has actually evolved.

For several years, the trend has been towards the emergence of an investment that is not only profitable, but also socially responsible. However, considering the difficulty of changing human behaviors, a sensitive question arises: can we truly reconcile profitable and sustainable investment? To address this issue, one enlightening way is to focus on the articulation between the extra-financial duties of companies and investors. How do these regulations meet and do they truly change the behaviors? In fact, there are strong interferences between sustainable governance and sustainable investment, ...

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Banque et Droit NºHS-2023-1